Everything You Need to Know About At-Home Abortions

Empower yourself with information. We’re here to provide the resources and support you need to help you make an informed decision about an at-home abortion.

Two women consoling their pregnant friend on a couch

Considering an At-Home Abortion? We Can Help

Woman sitting on bathroom floor, clutching her stomach in pain

Before & After

An at-home abortion is known as a self-induced abortion, self-managed abortion, taking the abortion pill, or can sometimes be called an online abortion. Any of these come with risks and side effects. It’s essential to gather the abortion facts you need to know, such as what to expect before and after a procedure, prior to making a decision.

Depressed woman laying down holding a pillow against herself

Side Effects

Are you wondering what happens to your body after you take the abortion pill? There are many short-term and long-term side effects associated with a self-induced abortion to consider. You need to be aware that the pill used for home abortion has an FDA warning, which is the highest level of caution the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) puts on medication.

Two women engaged in serious conversation

Social Pressure

Many women who “choose” to get an abortion, or to take the abortion pill actually don’t choose it at all. Rather, they feel pressured or are even forced against their will.  If this sounds like your situation, know that you always have the right to refuse any type of abortion and there are many resources available to support you.

Woman discussing medical history with female physician

Alternative Options

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, abortion is not your only option.  At Home Abortion Facts has connected with support centers worldwide to ensure that no matter what your circumstances, you have options if you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant. We are here to help inform you about the resources available to you and connect you to the professional help you need.

FDA Warning

You should not buy Mifeprex over the Internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health (and the health of others). Non-FDA approved drugs carry risks above and beyond expected side effects.

Woman laying on couch in pain with her forearm over her forehead
Somber woman with headphones around her neck

Took The Abortion Pill And Changed Your Mind?

 A medical abortion is often a permanent decision, but if you have already begun this process, there is still hope to reverse it. Immediately call 1-877-558-0333 to speak with a medcal professional on next steps.

Or, you can visit Abortion Pill Reversal for more information on reversing this process and doing everything you can to have a healthy baby.

Click Below For More Resources

At Home Abortion Facts Can Help

Browse all of our options to find what will best match your needs. There are many resources available during this time to provide support and help ensure you’re confident in your decision. We highly suggest that you don’t rush this process; an abortion of any type can have both short-term and long-term side effects. We’re here to help.

Resource Center Articles

If you’re interested in learning more about women’s health or reading our informative answers to commonly asked questions surrounding the abortion pill, browse our research center. We’ve collaborated with many medical professionals to provide you with factual information to help you make the best decision for yourself and your future.

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